Instructions before your surgical appointment

The following instructions pertain to your health before dental procedures are performed.  Please follow these directions carefully. 

Please advise us of any changes in your medical history.  If your physician has prescribed you any medications recently please let us know as well.

If any antibiotic or other medication has been prescribed to begin before your treatment, please read the label carefully for when to take the medication.  Alternatively, bring your prescribed medications with you on the day of surgery and we will help administer them to you.  Do not stop or alter your other medications unless instructed to do so.  Take all blood pressure medications, and those for heart problems, as directed using as little water as possible. 

If cleared by a physician and Dr. Diamond & Associates, do not take Ibuprofen, vitamin E, Ginko-biloba, aspirin or any product containing Aspirin for one full week prior to your surgery.  Tylenol is acceptable.  If you have questions regarding your medications or herbs, please ask.  However, it is acceptable to take one pill of 600 mg Ibuprofen one hour before the surgical appointment, if directed to so by Dr. Diamond & Associates.

Protein and Vitamin C are important for proper healing.  Eat a light breakfast and /or lunch before your treatment.  All diabetics should follow their normal medication schedule and diet unless Dr. Diamond & Associates and your physician have discussed modifications.  Hypoglycemic patients should eat a light meal (high protein) 2 hours before surgery.

If you wear partial dentures, a bite guard or a retainer, please bring them with you on the day of surgery so we can determine if they can be used following surgery.

If you are a smoker, please stop smoking at least 4 weeks prior to your scheduled surgery date.

Feel free to bring your favorite portable music with private headphones..

Expect discomfort anywhere from 2- 4 days after surgery.  You may wish to take the remainder of the day off from work.

There may be a dressing placed for 2 – 7 days.  We recommend soft or semi-soft foods for the week following surgery.

During the surgical procedure, the tissue may be repositioned against the tooth depending on the type of surgery. You may notice some recession or food impaction and your teeth may have hot and cold sensitivity from 1 week to 3 months. Every effort will be made to achieve the best cosmetic results, especially in the front areas of your mouth.

Oral Sedatives

If you elect to use one of the following oral sedatives you must have a ride to and from the office. Please bring your remaining tablets with you.  When using a pre-medication oral sedative we encourage you to eat a light meal, such as juice and toast, prior to your surgery, unless advised otherwise.

  • ativan (Lorazepam®)
  • valium (Diazepam®)
  • triazolam (Halcion®)

Do not drink any alcohol or beverages with caffeine (coffee, tea or soft drinks) for one day prior to having oral pre-medication sedation.

IF you elect to use Nitrous Oxide (“Laughing Gas” ):

Do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours prior to appointment.

You must be able to breathe in and exhale out through your nose (instead of your mouth).

Let us know if you develop an allergy, cold or respiratory condition as this may result in postponement of your nitrous oxide appointment (or abandonment of this procedure with an alternative or no form of sedation). Let us know if there is a change in your health (i.e., any recent surgery of the ear or nose, respiratory condition, psychiatric or cognitive disorder, actual or potential pregnancy).

Fully recovered nitrous oxide patients can be discharged from the office unaccompanied.  However, if there are any residual symptoms after nitrous oxide use, the patient must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

If you elect to have Sedation under no circumstances should you drive a motor vehicle.  Please arrange to be driven to and from the office on the day of your surgery.

Pre-operative instructions regarding Sedation will be provided to you prior to your procedure.